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Projects Supported


Registered Charity: SC052404

Glasgow's            Golden Generation

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The GEM Trustees, David, and Martin were pleased to meet Kay and Sandy from Glasgow’s Golden Generation. Glasgow’s Golden Generation is committed to enhancing the lives of older adults across Glasgow’s four quadrants. They achieve this through a range of support services, advocacy, and community engagement.


The GEM Trustees were delighted to contribute £1,000 to fund a Christmas outing for at least 50 older adults using their services.


Sandy commented, “The generous donation will provide an extra special treat for the older adults supported, especially during the Christmas season.”

Loaves and Fishes

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​GEM Trustees, David and Martin, were given a fabulous insight into the remarkable work done by Lesley and her team from their East Kilbride base and warehouse.


They not only provide a superb Food Bank service but also a much wider range of practical support for those in our community who are most in need- "full tummieswarmheartsclearheads "says it all. It was a pleasure to be be able to provide financial support to such a great cause.

Baby Bank Scotland

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The Trustees were delighted to meet Jillian, a Trustee of Baby Bank Scotland in Hamilton, and her group of dedicated volunteers. They provide essential practical support to young families who may be struggling with day to day necessities when caring for children.


GEM’s donation of £1,000 will be used in a project to provide new bedding  and linen for families in need.


The photograph shows David Urquhart, our founding Trustee, with Jillian and her volunteer colleagues.

Nil by Mouth

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Nil by Mouth is a wonderful charity which is committed to informing and educating people about the destructive impact on society of sectarianism in all its forms.


It was a privilege to meet Dave Scott and his colleagues to learn more about the Charity’s work. 


The Trustees of GEM were very pleased to make a donation in support of their imaginative Neeps & Tatties project.

CHAS - Robin House

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The Trustees visited Robin House to see the wonderful work being done by CHAS to support  young people and their families afflicted by the most serious illnesses.


They were given a fascinating insight into the range of medical and social services provided by CHAS not only at Robin House but in all communities throughout Scotland. 


The Trustees were delighted to present a cheque to Stephen Hart, Trust and Foundations Manager.

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